Should You Be Using Cloud?

8 September 2015, 00:00

Moving into a cloud system is a big step and a big decision - so you don't want it to be the wrong one. Cloud Computing may work for some companies, but may not be the best answer for you. Then there's the question of which cloud provider to use, and how much of your system should be cloud-based.

After reading our previous posts you should have a fair idea of what Cloud Computing is about. But if you're still unsure as to whether or not it is right for you, take a look at the pros and cons of Cloud Computing:



If you're switching from an archaic system to Cloud Computing, your IT department could effectively become redundant. Which is great for business costs. (But not so great for Steve the IT guy!) So Cloud Computing simplifies and streamlines your whole data system, saving you time, resources and money. And time = money, so you could end up saving a lot of money!


You won't need to install software updates, or fix bugs or glitches - that's for your Cloud Computing provider to do. And they can do it in the background, so you can get on with what you're doing.


If you're familiar with Gmail and Google Docs, then you have already used Cloud Computing. Not hard, was it? You and your staff won't require much training when it comes to Cloud Computing.


With Cloud Computing, all your data is stored "out there" so you can access it from anywhere, on any device. This makes it much easier for many workplaces where information needs to be accessed outside of work hours or from different locations.




Internet Connection

Cloud Computing requires a stable Internet connection. For many workplaces, this will not be a problem, but for more remote businesses, it may not always be possible.

Data Crashes

If your Cloud Computing provider has a system crash, you and every other business they store data for will be affected - although, this is not likely to happen often. And this is not specifically a Cloud Computing problem; technology is never fail-safe, no matter how big the provider is.

Security Concerns

In a previous blog post we talked about the security benefits of Cloud Computing. Generally, Cloud Computing is very secure. However, many still do not feel as though it is trustworthy enough to withstand hacking and data theft.

Every business will have different needs, concerns and requirements, so you are best to speak to an IT specialist if you are considering using Cloud Computing for your business.

And that's the end of our blog posts on Cloud Computing - so if you have any more questions, or you're keen to discuss making the move to a Cloud-based system, then please don't hesitate to get in touch!