Cyber Security Solutions for the Silly Season

20 December 2016, 11:28

It’s the time of year for holiday cheer. Hot chocolate, cookies, presents and other festivities abound. Shops dress up their windows in exotic displays, and festive lights can be seen everywhere. Yes, it’s the time of year when everything is grander and everyone seems happier.

But it’s not always sunshine and roses during the holiday season. Trouble often lurks in the shadows—preying on both retailers and consumers. Criminals take advantage of the spike in spending, and use the opportunity to hide in the crowds and undertake fraud of various kinds.

Financial fraud is the one that comes to mind first, but identity theft, impersonation and theft of items, among others, are all common. On top of that, every year cyber attackers improve on their techniques to steal information, money and goods.

We’ve put together a list of tips for retailers and consumers to keep top of mind this holiday season to prevent them from becoming a victim of holiday scams.

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