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By flatout
6 May 2013, 00:00

You may have heard the term "Cloud Computing" whispered around the water cooler. But what does it mean? And why is it important?

By Flatout Web Design
22 July 2013, 00:00

In our previous post (link to previous post), we talked about CMS and why it could be handy for your website. However like anything in the technical world, there are good ones, bad ones, and downright dodgy ones. It's important that you find a good quality

By flatout
3 June 2013, 00:00

Talking about your company on your website is like meeting a client in a business suit: You need to dress it up in order to make a good impression.

By flatout
27 May 2013, 00:00

Cloud Computing is already a talking point, but many people are debating over whether or not it is secure. For many people, the idea of storing all their data "out there" is disconcerting. With any new technology, it's natural for people to be resistant.

By flatout
8 September 2015, 00:00

Moving into a cloud system is a big step and a big decision - so you don't want it to be the wrong one. Cloud Computing may work for some companies, but may not be the best answer for you. Then there's the question of which cloud provider to use, and how

By flatout
24 June 2013, 00:00

If having a successful business was as easy as putting a website online and watching the money roll in, we'd all be a lot richer, with a lot more free time!

By flatout
2 May 2013, 00:00

In our previous post we introduced you to SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and why it is important to your website and business. To recap; by making small changes to your website, you can improve your search engine ranking, increase your website traffic,

By flatout
1 April 2013, 00:00

Put yourself in your potential customer's shoes for a moment. They're looking for a product or service (which your business provides), so they type a relevant keyword into Google. (Yes, try that now - just play along, we have a point!)